TUTORIAL Pencil Case From Bamboo. An easy way to make a pencil holder from bamboo. Watch the video on how to make it. In the video using leftover sticks making cages can be replaced with ice cream sticks.
Licence by djaybe crafthttps
Kreator kerajinan Djaybe Craft produk dari bahan lokal bambu dan kayu berkualitas ataupun barang bekas . Jenis produk yang dibuat aneka ragam diantaranya radio antik , ragam model sangkar burung, alat rumah tangga seperti tempat2 tisu, nampan, tempat minum mineral gelas, toples2 annyaman bambu, aneka lampion unik. Stok terbatas kecuali permintaan, kami sarankan preorder bila berminat.
Sabtu, 06 April 2019
TUTORIAL Pencil Case From Bamboo
Kamis, 04 April 2019
TUTORIAL Pencil Case From Bamboo
TUTORIAL Pencil Case From Bamboo. An easy way to make a pencil holder from bamboo. Watch the video on how to make it. In the video using leftover sticks making cages can be replaced with ice cream sticks.
Licence by djaybe craft
TUTORIAL Pencil Case From Bamboo
TUTORIAL Pencil Case From Bamboo. An easy way to make a pencil holder from bamboo. Watch the video on how to make it. In the video using leftover sticks making cages can be replaced with ice cream sticks.
Licence by djaybe craft
TUTORIAL Pencil Case From Bamboo
TUTORIAL Pencil Case From Bamboo. An easy way to make a pencil holder from bamboo. Watch the video on how to make it. In the video using leftover sticks making cages can be replaced with ice cream sticks.
Licence by djaybe craft